Here is Patti’s reworking of the proposed logo. No one was quite happy with the RGB light theme or the black and white colors of the chequered flag, and Patti’s thought was that the colors were simply too clichéd:
We have to be willing to set forth that what we are doing is more important than the thousand pizza restaurants that boast the black and white chequered flag. “Finili” means finish line and the chequered flag announces that place, but we also have to show that we are agents of change. Why not sweep the past away with the colors of radical change, which undeniably in this moment are pink and black?
I would just add that the pink horizontal stripe might represent the idea of the finish line itself, a bold line painted on the ground. That’s a motif we thought to include in the logo, but our artists took it out of the previous black-and-white-RGB-colored versions because it didn’t fit. Here, it’s pretty subtle but I can see it and I think it works. I have to say that these few small changes make quite a difference in the way the logo comes across.
Edit, June 17: Uploaded a minor revision to the logo which adds a splash of horizontal glare to the star/street light.